jueves, 27 marzo
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We Listen To You!

At El Dorado Airport we are committed to creating the best experience for all our users.

Let Us answer your questions about our services

We know how important it is to be connected, that's why our passengers and visitors can access the Internet free of charge.

The airport terminals are designed in accordance with the current government regulations, taking into account the number of passengers and their circulation in order to accommodate the required seating capacity and waiting rooms. We also offer reclined lounge type chairs in certain designated areas for passenger use during long stays or layovers.

We offer charging stations for the general public which are located in the public area of the domestic and international concourses on the first and second floors. They are visibly labeled as designated charging stations and are offered in sitting and standing configurations.

This service is provided by APS. To utilize it, a deposit of COP 12,000, with either 3 USD or 3 EUR, is required. This deposit will be refunded if the trolley is returned within the first hour at the designated points at Terminal 1: Floor 1 - Doors 4 and 11; Floor 2 - Doors 2-3, 5, and 6-7. Please ensure to bring your voucher for reimbursement. Also, please be informed that the service at Terminal 2 is free of charge.

El Dorado International Airport relies on a dedicated CCTV system in order to enhance airport security operations and prevent unlawful activities. Due to privacy issues, there is no CCTV in restroom areas.

There are no designated smoking areas in the airport, as required by Article 19 of Law 1335 of 2009, where it is unlawful to smoke in closed, semi-closed or open air spaces within an establishment, even with the installation of air extractors.

We are continuously reviewing our commercial offering in order to satisfy the needs and expectations of our users. Currently, we offer five food courts in the public areas of the airport. They are located in the international and domestic concourses. For more information on places to eat please follow <a href="/establecimientos/restaurantes" target="_self">restaurants</a>.

In Colombia, normativity relating to civil aviation security are detailed in the Colombian aviation regulation (RAC 160)
ItemsAllowed QtyAircraft
CabinChecked Bag
Toiletry items (including sprays) which don't exceed 0,5 Kg or 0,5 Lt.Decompression valves and aerosoles must be secured by a capsule or any available means t prevent an involuntary release of its content. Toletry items are limited to perfumes, hair conditioning, colognes, etc.The net quantity must not exceed 2 Kg or 2 Lt per passenger.YesYes
Insect repelentN/ANoYes
Cigar cutterN/ANoYes
Bottle openerN/ANoYes
Cuticle trimmerN/ANoYes
Eyeglass screwdriverN/ANoYes
Eyelash curlerN/AYesYes
Gel or similarly filled prosthetics can be carried onto the aircraft prior to a security checkpoint inspection.N/AYesYes
Nail clipper without fileN/AYesYes
Non-metallic nail fileN/AYesYes
Nail polish removerN/ANoNo
Umbrellas, canes for walking (prior inspection required)N/AYesYes
* Si superas el máximo de la caracteres puedes adjuntar un archivo para completar tu solicitud.

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I voluntarily, previously, explicitly, informedly and unequivocally authorize Opain S.A. to treat my personal data in accordance with its Personal Data Treatment Policy and for the purposes related to it, especially for the purposes of attention, monitoring and control of Requests, Complaints or Claims. Therefore, your data is protected according to Law 1581 of 2012.

I accept terms and conditions and policies of use of personal information.